My name is Bonk, James Bonk currently residing in Bangcock. I am your friend. The friend you might wish you have. The friend that will be there for you whether you successfully wooed or failed miserably. The friend that would hold your hand and guide you along. Hmmm.. perhaps in all honesty, I do not have that much time to do all that. But if you believe in some of the bullshits I churned out here, you would believe that men would grow wings one day and fly away. But then again, I still believe in the existence of Santa Claus.
I write this textbook because I am surrounded by all kind of men. From babies all the way up to your great grandpa level. Yep, and I do don my sheep clothings occasionally. But the fact that I am a man, I am allowed access to the life of many, many different men. The chap you see might not really be the chap that you think he is. Afterall, he is donning his sheep clothings or buaya clothings. Those are facts.
But in order to reveal that much, I have to go undercover. I have to borrow a friend's email account to write all these. Then take in the persona of another friend. After which, I have to ingest all my many other friend's stories to make them mine. At the end of the day, I would make you believe that I am possibly the best lover not only in planet Earth but the entire solar system.
So if you think I am your best friend in real life, you are probably right. And if you think I am the one that stole your girlfriend's, wife', daughter's, sister's or any animated female beings, you are probably right too. But whatever it is, stay tune and find out more for you will definitely find it worth while.
But please do not call me a sexist as some feminist might claim that my writings are so. I am not. in fact, I love women more than they do themselves. So how can I be a sexist? Am I a bad influence? Let's say no matter how hard I try, unless you are naturally evil, I don't think I can influence you. Surely you do not want to be called naive to believe everything I write. Believe it at your own perils. Perhaps you might find a few good pointers. Perhaps you might not. Perhaps you have seen some of the tactics you have tried before, and perhaps you might have thought of some of them but never got around doing it.
But whatever it is, I do hope that this blog would be a starting point for all mature guys (immature guys do not read) to share ideas and *ahem* fantasies.
I thank you all for even visiting.
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